Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
What to do with hosta at end of season part 3
Hosta 'Metallica' after being divided this fall
Fall is one of the times of the year when hostas can be divided. If you are going to divide hostas, it should be done in spring or in fall. During the summer hostas are busy growing their roots, and if you divide them they will not be happy. Who wants sad hosta? Not me! Can you tell sometimes that I teach in an elementary school? When dividing hosta in fall make sure to do it 4-6 weeks before hard frost.
How should you divide a hosta? Well if you want to be careful about it, and divide off certain eyes you can follow this link. Otherwise you can just place a shovel (I prefer a transplant shovel for the job) somewhere in the middle of the hosta and step down. You now have two hosta. Use a garden fork or a shovel to dig up the hosta you want to move. Depending on the size you can divide a hosta multiple times.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
What to do with hosta at end of season part 2
Another late blooming hosta 'rupifraga'
I decided to do a series of posts about what to do with your hostas at the end of the season, since it seems to be a very popular question, especially this time of year. Many people ask me if they can bring their hosta inside during the year. Some think their foliage resembles a philodendron, so how wonderful it would be to have them in the house. Others mistake their normal fall downturn (yes, they start to brown, and leaves will die off) for them dying, and think bringing them in the house will bring them back to life. The truth is that hostas need a period of dormancy. Just think of hostas, as the bears of the plant world. Just like bears, hosta need to hibernate during the winter. Some people have done experiments bringing hostas in the house, and putting them in the freezer for a couple of weeks. I have never tried it myself, though I am tempted to do it this year. Maybe if I put one in the freezer now, and then planted it again later in the winter it would help chase away the winter blues!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
What to do with hosta at end of season
Red October is a late blooming hosta
The biggest question I am asked this time of year is "What should I do with my hostas now that it's fall?" Many people think they should cut all of the foliage off of them. I've even heard of people running them over with their lawn mower. The truth is that you don't have to do anything with your hostas in fall. By cutting the foliage off of your hostas, you may actually be spreading disease. Imagine if your doctor never cleaned his instruments, well that is what it's like if you cut your hostas. If one hosta has a disease, you could be spreading it to all your other hosta. So if you want to cut down your hostas in fall (or even the scapes) it's very important to sanitize your equipment when going from plant to plant with a 10% bleach solution. There is no way I am going to bleach my tools after cutting the foliage off of my 400 some hosta, so I find it's much easier to just rake up the dead leaves from my hosta in spring.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Fall Blooming Crocus
Imagine my surprise today when I pulled into the driveway at lunch time to see a new bloom in the garden. But there it was, my fall blooming crocus, which is hard to miss because unlike it's spring cousin the fall blooming crocus has really large blooms. Colchicum autumnale is also known as the naked lady flower, because it's foliage comes up in spring (foliage resembles orchid leaves) and dies back in early summer. Which leads one to believe it died off without ever blooming. However in fall the bloom emerges without any foliage. I love that it blooms right about the time that everything else in the garden is dying away. Just when I've just about given up on my gardens, here is a reminder that things are still alive and beautiful.
Monday, September 21, 2009
School Atrium Needs Some Help

Our school atrium is in need of some serious help. It's overgrown with weeds and is severely neglected. I have tried applying for a grant to help redo the area, but my effort was turned down. I've even thought about doing a little renegade gardening, coming in at night with plants from my own garden (but I think they would know who did it). Our maintenance department is planning on cutting down the big trees in the atrium, because they are growing into the foundation of the school building. I would love for this area to be a quiet reading area for students in the spring and fall. It can't really be a outdoor classroom, because there are indoor classrooms surrounding the atrium and the noise echoes loudly inside the atrium. Since the atrium would only be seen in spring and again in late summer/fall I would love it to be full of spring blooming bulbs and fall blooming plants. They would have to be easy to take care of and a little drought tolerant, since we can't always guarantee things would get watered in the summer while students and teachers are away. I, of course, would love to put hostas and hardy geraniums in the area. If we can find a way to use this area for a green project (such as teaching students to compost) there is a great chance we could receive a grant from the SCA company across the street from our school.
I know there are a ton of great garden designers and gardeners out there, especially in the Twitter world, and I would love to get your opinions of what we can do with this space. It breaks my heart to see it in such disarray, when I know it could be such a beautiful space.
I know there are a ton of great garden designers and gardeners out there, especially in the Twitter world, and I would love to get your opinions of what we can do with this space. It breaks my heart to see it in such disarray, when I know it could be such a beautiful space.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Painter's Palette - Persicaria virginiana
Friday, September 18, 2009
Plant Co-ops

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tomato thief in my garden
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Squash Casserole Rescue
Sqaush Casserole last year (after hail damage)
After moving hostas
Squash Casserole this year before moving hostas

Earlier this summer, in it's summer color
Today I was busy moving and dividing hosta in my yard. One of the hosta that needed to be rescued was my Squash Casserole. It has grown leaps and bounds since last year, along with the hostas around it. So I had to move and divide the hostas around it, as it was hidden among them. I love this hosta, as it has pie crusts edges and a beautiful gold/green color. Last year my hostas were severely damaged by hail in early July, but obviously that didn't effect them negatively since most of them are double their size from last year.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Farmer's Market Find

Friday, September 11, 2009
Hardy Hibiscus
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Any garden art suggestions?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Green Bay Botanical Garden
This Saturday the Green Bay Botanical Garden will be hosting an art fair, B.A.D. Buds Daylily Sale, and Green & Gold Hosta Society Sale. Admission into the botanical garden will be free, so it's a great opportunity to pick up some great art, daylilies, hosta, or to just view the gardens. They have a great children's garden so don't be afraid to bring the kids along.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Natural Shorelines
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Safe and Reliable Sources for Hostas Online
These are not in any particular order, just how I remember them off the top of my head.
Naylor Creek - sends nice, mature plants
White Oak Nursery -has a great refrigerator sale in spring
Hallsons -again nice, mature plants
In the country garden and gifts - Josh is very active in American Hosta Society and knows his stuff
Made in the Shade Gardens - met him at a hosta convention, very nice people to work with
Jim's Hosta - usually more expensive than the rest, but has some rare ones you won't find anywhere else.
Land of Giants Hosta Farm - located in WI
Kuk's Forest Nursery - have never ordered online, but pick up a few from him at a convention
I am sure I have forgotten a few, but these are online sources I know to sell safe and reliable hostas.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
How to grow big, beautiful hostas
Well I can't say for sure how to grow 'em big in California. I would start out by checking the Sun Tolerant hosta list on this page. Hostas are really more heat intolerant than sun intolerant, but heat and sun usually go hand and hand. The hostas on this list will be more apt to survive in higher temperatures. Hostas are happiest in cool, moist areas.
I can tell you what I do in my own hosta garden to get hosta leaves bigger than my head. Here are my ten steps:
1. Water
2. Water
3. Water
4. I usually do not fertilize my hostas, if I do I use a worm poop fertilizer, such as Terracycle (can be found in stores), once a year in spring.
5. Get rid of the slugs and other pests. I use sluggo, but there are organic ways to get rid of them (one involving going out at night, picking them off hosta, and putting them in ammonia ). For deer and rabbits, I use Liquid Fence. We don't have a huge deer problem, they usually just get into the garden in winter and early spring.
6. Water some more
7. If they are not happy where they are (give them at least a year somewhere) don't be afraid to dig them up and move them to a spot where they will be happy.
8. Water some more
9. I don't divide unless they have grown too big for the spot I have them in. Despite the myth, hostas do not require dividing.
10. Buy hosta from reputable people or nurseries. There is a hosta virus out there, and I have seen it at many nurseries (especially the big box stores). Be aware of the hosta virus (HVX), the symptoms and signs, and avoid nurseries where you see it. Another threat to hostas are nematodes, which usually will not show until mid-summer to fall (depending on where you live, the warmer the earlier signs will show). Maybe tomorrow I will list mail order/internet sources for hostas which I know to be safe.
Hope this helps, as I love to spread the hosta love!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hosta Questions
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