Until I was in 6th grade I lived less than a mile from my grandma and grandpa. Needless to say I spent a lot of time there, and they took my brother and I everywhere they went. We made many trips to Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, West Bend, or anywhere else they wanted to go. One of the places they took us frequently was the Mitchell Park Conservatory (or the Domes as they are often called). There they would teach me about plants from all different biomes. My grandma and grandpa were both avid gardeners. They had a huge garden, and it was there that I would sneak into the garden and eat beans and peas right from the plants. My grandma was also a wonderful cook. One of my favorite meals at their house happened in late summer/early fall when she would make gallons and gallons of vegetable soup with all of their produce. My grandma loved roses and cactus, and she grew them in all shapes, sizes, and colors. As a girl she was never allowed to go any further than 8th grade, and it always bothered her, since she really wanted to be a teacher. Even though she was never formally trained, she was a great teacher to me. She taught me many things, one being the love of gardening. Even as I write this with heavy heart and tears in my eyes, my garden is growing and flourishing. She will live on through me and my garden. I love you Grandma, and I hope you are sitting in a beautiful rose garden right now with grandpa and everyone else you loved dearly.
Hey, Gardenweb friend — I am a pushover for grandmother stories, and yours is very touching.
Just found your blog and am enjoying it very much.
Thank you for your kind words.
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